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The inspiration is from the Scottish Skyscape, its colourful and changing rapidly. TK remembers the colours during her stay and reform it into a calm and attractive piece of art in Hong Kong, where she feels its hard to see a whole piece of sky in here. And people in here are all very busy with their living. TK hopes her art can remind the people to enjoy the natural environment  and achieve their own piece of sky. The artist has used this series of paintings to bring an awareness of Global warming as an issue that everyone should be concerned about. The <SKY> are circular artworks, which represent we all under the same sky in different part of the world. 



香港青年創意畫家陳紫君小姐(Ms TK Chan)一向以英國蘇格蘭優美風景為題材,此系列作品靈感來自於多變的北極光。 對於北極光的關注,多數來自科技探索,攝影紀錄等媒介,而 TK 則以傳統的繪畫技術加以獨特創作,以北極光為靈感,宣揚人類團結一致愛謢地球的訊息。 


《極光啓示》作品的顏色啟發自蘇格蘭北部的天空 - 北極光,作品不但色彩繽紛,引人入勝,其實背後意義亦不可忽視︰北極光是一種大自然天文奇觀,它沒有固定的型態、顏色也不盡相同,以綠、白、黃、藍為主,偶爾呈現艷麗的紅紫色,曼妙多姿又神秘難測。TK 在作品中以油畫雲塗法描繪出平靜的天空,更以自創的筆觸帶出立體效果。  因為遭受到全球暖化的影響,過往只在南北極才能看到的極光,現在也出現於歐洲北部及美州北部地區。  於蘇格蘭北部拍攝北極光於最近成為熱話,TK 被其幻變的顏色及不規則的模式所吸引,但同時意識到北極光也是人類需正視全球暖化問題的"美麗警報"。TK 把科學溶入創意美術,希望透過描繪美麗而神秘的北極光的油畫作品,提醒人類加強環保意識。


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