Meomi Festival
陳紫君創作了一系列油畫作品,以美麗的極光為背景,描繪了不同品種的貓咪在溫暖的房間中享受聖誕節的場景。這些作品不僅是藝術的創作,更融入了真實的領養貓咪故事。 將曾經流浪,現成為愛寵的貓咪畫在溫暖的聖誕環境中,展現了牠們獨特的個性和特徵,快樂和喜悅的瞬間。 向我們傳達了對家庭、關懷和慈愛的重要性。這些作品鼓勵大家選擇領養而非購買。 共同營造一個充滿愛與關懷的社會,並願作品帶給您歡樂寧靜。
TK Chan has created a series of oil paintings depicting cats of different breeds enjoying the Christmas season in a warm room against the backdrop of beautiful auroras. These artworks are artistic creations but also incorporate real stories of adopted cats. By depicting formerly stray cats now living as beloved pets in a cozy Christmas environment, the paintings showcase their unique personalities and characteristics, capturing moments of happiness and joy. They convey the importance of family, care, and love, while also encouraging people to choose adoption over purchasing. Together, they aim to foster a society filled with love and compassion, and may these artworks bring you joy and serenity.