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Ms Tsz – Kwan CHAN began her Chinese ink painting series in winter 2016 under the encouragement and guidance of established artist POON Kwing Wing (Water POON). Inspired by the round cuteness of her own pet animals, she sought to capture these lively qualities with the movement of her ink brush and the colour ink wash of her images. Her animal paintings have been described as embodying happy feelings of love and caring. 


In this animal series she wished to convey that all life was precious; that we need to treasure life, every little bit of it, including not abandoning or killing sick animals & ourselves not succumbing to thoughts of hopelessness & suicide. It meant seeing new beauty in adopting & nurturing our pets.


This animal collection was first shown at INK ASIA art fair in December 2016 in Hong Kong where her fresh contemporary ink style, received much attention from the local media & from established Chinese ink painters.   


Then the collection was shown at Art Stage Singapore in January 2017 where some paintings were selected by 33 Auction Singapore for sale in May 2017. Her picture ‘Rooster Family’ sold for SGD 1,600 at that auction. In addition, another two of her paintings: “Rooster Family 2” and “Playful Dog” sold for SGD2,000 and SGD1,700 respectively at 33 auction in Singapore in February 2018.​

Her FAMILIES series of Chinese inks shows nuclear groups of animals and their young. Both these series explored themes of peaceful nurturing.



2016年,TK以全新面貌示人,展開了水墨畫系列。TK運用墨的七個色調和畫油畫的技巧,以圓形為基礎,描繪出憨態可掬的動物形象。透過這個系列,藝術家希望傳達她對動物的關愛 ------ 所有生命都是珍貴的,我們需要好好珍惜,包括領養動物、不要放棄及殺害牠們。此外,TK筆下的小動物跳脱可愛,如人類一般有喜怒哀樂,令觀眾產生共鳴,大獲好評。

TAC015  BLINKGallery_TKChan_Pig2_2017_InkOnPaper_49.5x54cm_s.jpg

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