Father And Mother I Love You
The artist Ms T K Chan began her Animal Families collection in 2017. In this collection, she wished to convey how important was the concept of Home in Chinese Society since ancient times. In the collection we see offspring nurtured, adults supported so they can to contribute & elderly cared for. The artist Ms T K Chan hopes to give people a feeling of anti-aging child in her <home> collection. Each painting is full of love and innocent with TK’s unique ink painting technique. To hangs a picture of her in children’s room, giving the child an inspiration and becomes a confidant in the life of the painting.
一直以來,中國人非常重視家庭,而傳統家庭觀念慢慢亦在現今社會改變,陳紫君小姐運用墨的七個色調和畫油畫的技巧,以圓形為基礎,描繪出憨態可掬的動物形象。紫君希望透過她的動物家庭系列作品,把 "家" 的傳統重新帶回家! 每一幅畫裏都充滿着愛、天真可愛、活潑,淡淡簡單的色彩,默默化開的墨,表現出一種生命效果,家中兒女的房間掛了一幅她的童畫,給予小朋友啟發入心,小朋友成為畫作生命中的知己。